[PLM] Aras Innovator 서버 메소드 작성법(C#)

개발자 두더지 2021. 2. 16. 22:36

1. Aras Innovator Object 생성하기

newReuslt()나 newError() Item의 return값으로 얻기 위한 Aras Innovator Object

Innovator myInnovator = this.getInnovator();


2. Item Object 생성하기

적용할 query나 Item을 추가하는 Item Object 생성하기

Item myItem = this.newItem(myItem, myAction);

Innovator myInnovator = this.getInnovator();
Item myItem = myInnovator.newResult(resultText);
Item myError = myInnovator.newError(errorMessage);


3. 하나의 Item을 취득하는 Query

id나 type을 통해 취득하고자하는 Item에 대한 쿼리

Item qryItem = this.newItem(myType, "get");
Item results = qryItem.apply();

Innovator myInnovator = this.getInnovator();
Item results = myInnovator.getItemById(myType, myId);


4. 아이템을 테이블 형태로 출력하기

Item qryItem = this.newItem("Part","get");
qryItem.setProperty("cost", "100");
qryItem.setPropertyCondition("cost", "gt");
Item results = qryItem.apply();
int count = results.getItemCount();
int i;
string content = "<table>";
for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
    Item item = results.getItemByIndex(i);
    content += "" +
    "<tr>" +
    "<td>" + item.getProperty("item_number") + "</td>" +
    "<td>" + item.getProperty("description") + "</td>" +
    "<td>" + item.getProperty("cost") + "</td>" +
content += "</table>";
Innovator innovator = this.getInnovator();


5. Item과 그 구성의 return값에 대한 Query

Innovator Innovator = this.getInnovator();

// Set up the query Item.
Item qryItem = this.newItem("Part", "get");
qryItem.setAttribute("select", "item_number, description, cost");

// Add the BOM structure.
Item bomItem = this.newItem("Part BOM", "get");
bomItem.setAttribute("select", "quantity, related_id(item_number, description, cost)");

// Perform the query.
Item results = qryItem.apply();

// Test for an error.
if (results.isError()){
    return innovator.newError("Item not found:" + results.getErrorDetail());

// Get a handle to the BOM Items.
Item bomItems = results.getRelationships();
int count = bomItems.getItemCount();
int i;

// Create the results content.
string content = "<table border = '1'>" +
    "<tr>" +
        "<td>Part Number</td>" +
        "<td>Description</td>" +
        "<td>Cost</td>" +
        "<td>Quantity</td>" +

// Iterate over th BOM Items.
for (i=0 ; i <count; ++i)
    //Get a handle to the relationship Item by index.
    Item bom = bomItems.getItemByIndex(i);
    //Get a handle to the related Item for this relationship Item.
    Item bomPart = bom.getRelatedItem();
    content += "" +
    "<tr>" +
        "<td>" + bomPart.getProperty("item_number") + "</td>" +
        "<td>" + bomPart.getProperty("description") + "</td>" +
        "<td>" + bomPart.getProperty("cost") + "</td>" +
        "<td>" + bom.getProperty("quantity") + "</td>" +


6. Generic Method 적용하기

Innovator inn = this.getInnovator();
Item results = inn.applyMethod("Reverse String", "<string>abc</string>");
//Return a result item with "cba" as the contents of the Result tag
return inn.newResult(results.getResult());


7. text를 하나의 File로 저장하기

Innovator myInnovator = this.getInnovator();
string path = CCO.Server.MapPath("temp/yoyo.txt");
   if (File.Exists(path)) File.Delete(path);
   StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path);
catch (Exception e)
   return myInnovator.newError(e.Message);
return myInnovator.newResult("ok");


8. CAD파일을 Vault에 저장하기

Item d = this.newItem("CAD", "add");
d.setProperty("item_number", "007");
d.setFileProperty("native_file", @"C:\myFile.txt");
return d.apply();


9. Item 라이프사이클 이동 방지

Innovator innovator = this.getInnovator();
if (Convert.ToDecimal(this.getProperty("cost")) > 500) {
  Item error = innovator.newError("Error promoting: Item costs more than
  return error;
return this;


10. Date 속성 값 다루기

Innovator inn = this.getInnovator();

// Get yesterday's date
DateTime myDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1);

// Find all methods edited in the past 24 hours
Item myItem = inn.newItem("Method","get");
myItem = myItem.apply();

// Loop through the returned methods and return the list
string methodList = "";
int myItemCount = myItem.getItemCount();
for(int i = 0; i < myItemCount; i++){
  methodList += myItem.getItemByIndex(i).getProperty("name","") + ", ";

return inn.newError("The following methods were modified In the past 24
hours: " + methodList);

